The decision to do this again was, for me, answering what I sensed was a calling to go back. The response in terms of the number of people who stepped up to go and to give was affirmation that God was indeed asking us to return to the DR this year. We had a fantastic group who kept good attitudes throughout and were willing to accept whatever challenges presented throughout the week. They represented our church, BWOB and our King well and I am proud to call all of them my friends and co-workers.
Probably the best part of the trip happened when the families visited for a dinner with us at the Center. They shared how they had been praying to God that somehow they would be able to get a better place to live for their families. Iris noted that she’d been praying for years about that but just didn’t know how she could ever save enough money from her meager wages as a maid to do so. Though she tried to save, each week it seemed that after paying for food and other essentials, there was no money left. I believe God’s call to us was His answer to their prayers. I consider it an awesome privilege and great blessing to be used by God to answer someone’s prayer.
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