Early Days
Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church (GREFC) started as a Bible Study in November 1983. From this group, six people formed the Evangelical Free Church in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The first public worship service was held April, 1984 at the Harris Town Hall. That same month the church became a member of the North Central District Association of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA).
As the church grew, services moved to the YMCA. In 1993, the church purchased the current property on County Road 63 and broke ground on a new building in September 1994. On April 2, 1995 the first worship service was held in the new Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church.
The Growing Church
The church grew rapidly through many new ministries and community outreach and soon found that more space was needed. A new building plan was presented to the church in the spring of 2003. Construction resumed again, and in April, 2004 we celebrated our 20th year as a church along with a dedication of the new construction. In 2006, the church saw the addition of a second worship service.
The Church Today
God’s hand of blessing and direction can be seen in the history of our church. What began as a small Bible Study with a handful of faith-filled believers has grown into a thriving congregation who are drawing closer to Jesus Christ. The church has committed leaders, a large volunteer base and a maturing body of believers, all with a vision to love God, love others and fulfill the command to make disciple makers. In 2024 we celebrated our 40th anniversary as a church and look forward to many more years of God providing, guiding, and growing us.