Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church
Evangelical Free /Church in Grand Rapids, MN
An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Sunday, repeating until November 19, 2023
Your gift may help a child across the world come to know Jesus as their savior!
Pack a shoebox for a child with fun and practical things that they might otherwise never have. The shoebox is then delivered to kids around the world along with a special message about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
A limited amount of red/green shoeboxes are available in the church foyer. There is also a display table with packing labels, instructions on how to pack a box, example boxes, and much more. If you miss out on getting a red/green shoebox, you can still pack your goodies in a standard cardboard shoebox or in a plastic shoebox-sized bin with a lid.
You can also click on this link to find instructions on how to pack a box.
Once packed and labeled, please include $10 to help with shipping costs.
We are collecting packed shoeboxes from now through November 19. Packed shoeboxes can be dropped off at the display table in the foyer.