Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church
Evangelical Free /Church in Grand Rapids, MN
Connect with other families over a Christmas Dinner on Saturday, Dec. 2. Join in this fun evening designed to help connect people that you go to church with but may not know very well. As our church grows, and especially with two services, we need times of connection so that we know other church families and help us feel united as a church body. It is ideally suited for those newer to the church, but also great for “old timers” who want to know people beyond their normal friend groups.
We are looking for people who are willing to host 2-3 other families for dinner in their home. Each host site will determine what their dinner will be like – potluck or fancy sit down, kids included or not, etc. When you register, please indicate if you are willing to host and you will be contacted with further details.
If you’d rather not host, then register to attend a Christmas Dinner. The organizers will place you with a host site. Then the host will contact you with details of the evening.