Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church
Evangelical Free /Church in Grand Rapids, MN
An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Sunday, repeating until August 27, 2023
We will be taking a break in August from Pathfinders classes and instead encourage families to attend the worship service together where there will be a Kids Message each Sunday. Nursery will be available every Sunday in August at the 9:00 am service.
We know that some parents don’t relish the thought of having their kids in the service with them, worried that others are troubled by the busy-ness of kids and the noise it sometimes makes, not to mention how hard it is to pay attention with kids in tow. We want to encourage you that it is really important for kids to be in church with their family sometimes! These kids are the future church! And if they are never in a service they are less likely to want to attend as they grow older. And it’s OKAY for kids to fidget and make noise! While attending online is a valid way to attend church, we encourage all families to take this important step in bring their kids to the in-person services throughout August.