
Wednesday Night Adult Education – Genesis: Creation and Covenant

Room 106 (Barn Door Room) 34384 County Road 63, Grand Rapids, MN, United States

On Wednesday evenings, while kids and students are meeting and your littlest ones are being cared for in the nursery, we offer an adult education option using the 3-year curriculum from the Gospel Project. Walk through the entire Bible chronologically with an emphasis on being Christ-centered, theologically rich, missionally minded, and heart transforming. This fall […]


Pathfinders 2024-2025

KidZone Check-In Desk 34384 County Road 63, Grand Rapids, MN, United States

In Pathfinders kids age 3 through grade 5 learn about God in a kid-centered, warm, nurturing and well-supervised program. Loving adults provide accurate instruction and application of God's Word, Prayer, and Fun! Pathfinders  is available Sept-May most Sunday mornings during our 9:00 am service. We ask parents/caregivers to sign in their kid(s) before the services […]