Welcome to Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church. We exist to help people find Jesus and live like him. We do this through relevant, practical Bible teaching and modern worship while creating a wide variety of opportunities for deep relationships where individuals together can grow more like Jesus.
Whether you’re a regular church goer or have never stepped foot in a church, we hope you feel welcome here. Come in jeans or your Sunday best, but hopefully you’ll come with an open heart. We want to meet you where ever you are in your faith and join you as you navigate through life.
Adult Worship Services
We have a great worship team that plays music that you will recognize from any contemporary Christian music radio station. Worship is communicating with God from your heart. Whether you sing along, raise your hands, or just listen, worship in whatever way feels most comfortable.
We do not pass an offering plate during the service. We have offering boxes located just inside the Worship Center doors as you enter as well as online giving options through the Tithe.ly app. As a guest, there is no obligation for you to give.
Every weekend, our pastor gives a relevant, straightforward, Scripture-based message that teaches Biblical truths and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. These messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, and apply biblical teachings to your own life.
The third Sunday of every month, we celebrate communion together. Anyone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus Christ can participate in this time of reflection and prayer. If you don’t yet call yourself a Christ follower, then just observe and listen. The juice and bread that we share represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ and our new life in Him.
Coffee Time
The time in between services is a time for you to join us for refreshments and for you to meet other people. It is also a time for you to ask questions about our church and the many activities we offer. You can find more information at the Welcome Center in the main foyer.
Beyond Sunday Mornings
Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church offers a range of opportunities for adults and their children to move beyond weekend services and into deeper, more meaningful relationships with Jesus Christ and others within the church. To find ways to get more involved:
- Subscribe to our weekly Round Up for real-time church news
- Fill out a blue Connect Card so that we know you are attending
- Connect with one of our Welcome Team members
- Read the announcements in the bulletin from the service
- Pick up brochures from our Welcome Center in the foyer
- Browse this website, specifically the pages under the Connect menu and our Events Calendar
- Contact the church office for more information: office@grefc.org or call 218-327-9343