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Our Current Sermon Series
Just as the roots of a massive tree create the foundation of and provide the life-giving force for the whole organism, a church’s core values undergird everything it does. Our values guide us as we seek to share the Gospel with a hurting world, as we make disciples who look more and more like Jesus, and as we bless and love others, growing the Kingdom of God in our community. We’ll hear from each of our Elders as they share what each of our Core Values mean to them. Join us for this meaningful sermon series, starting July 14th.
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Last Sunday’s Message
Micah Labovitch - January 29, 2023
Lord, Let Your Will Be Done
Scripture References: Nehemiah 5:1-19, Hebrews 13:17, Exodus 22:25-2528, 1 Timothy 5:19
From Series: "Nehemiah: The Lord Builds His Kingdom"
Sometimes in life, the hardest challenges we face are not just following God in the first place, but rather following Him for the long haul. It is not always easy to fully trust and surrender ourselves to God in every step on the long journey of faith. But God desires to walk with us, lead us, and to see His Kingdom built in us and through us. The book of Nehemiah continues on right where the book of Ezra left off: the people of God have been established back in Jerusalem again, have rebuilt the Temple of God, and have begun the hard process of restoration and sanctification with God. But the story is far from over. Join us for our study of Nehemiah in 2023 as we see God work with His restored people to build His kingdom- through great challenges and trials- all pointing us to what life in the Kingdom of God truly means. Join us as we look to the King and His Kingdom together through Nehemiah in 2023.