A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” Just like we can sometimes do when things don’t go as expected, Moses felt that God may have made a mistake in choosing him for this task. Yet God, in His goodness, encourages, equips and prepares Moses for the work ahead. And just like Moses, our mission is to obey what God has laid out for us, even if there are no promises that it will bear fruit.
YHWH Declared & Denied
A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” Moses has finally stepped out in obedience after much encouragement from YHWH and confronted Pharaoh. Yet even though the Lord warned Moses that Pharaoh wouldn’t cooperate, Moses didn’t realize that Pharaoh would also retaliate, making the plight of the Hebrews much worse. What do we do when we feel like God hasn’t held up His end of the bargain?
YHWH’s Hidden Servant
A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” God has shown Himself to Moses and given him his marching orders, promising that He will be with him and giving him many signs. And Moses says…”no.” Too often we feel we are lacking when faced with the things God wants us to do. But God is persistent in the things that He desires to see come to fruition, providing a way even through our reluctance. We can be assured that He is sovereign over all that is before us.
YHWH’s Hidden Name
A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” God could have rescued the Israelite’s all on His own without any help from humans. Yet He chose to use a man named Moses, who, when faced with the task he was given, replied, “Who am I?”. That is the exact right question to ask whenever we are faced with a daunting call of God. And God’s answer to Moses is the same as it is for you and I, “I am with you.”
YHWH’s Hidden Deliverance
A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” Our story today starts with Moses trying to be a deliverer of his people without God. When that fails, he flees to Midian. Yet God, when the time is just right, when He hears the cries for help from His people, is the ultimate one who will deliver His people at just the right time. Just as He did when He send Jesus.
YHWH’s Hidden Heros
A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” Our biggest challenge is who we are when no one is looking. When Pharaoh thought that only men were important, and therefore ordered the death of all new baby boys, he didn’t know that God, who values both men and women, would use women to be His hidden heroes, who would thwart Pharaoh’s every move, setting the stage for the deliverance of the Hebrews through the saving of Moses as a baby.
YHWH’s HIdden Way
A messages from the series “Exodus: YHWH on Display.” As we launch our series on Exodus, it is important that we remember that God permits what He hates to accomplish what He loves. Such is the case with Israel at the start of Exodus. They have thrived in Egypt because of God’s blessing on them, but then things start to fall apart.
Established Amid Opposition
A messages from the series “Stand Alone Messages.” Brian Farone is the EFCA District Superintendent of the North Central District, to which GREFC belongs. Today, Brian shows us a church plant from Acts in the city of Thessolonica. From this church plant we can learn so many things about how God works in a local church through everyday saints.
The Values Root the Mission in Christ
A messages from the series “Core Values.” As we conclude the Core Values sermon series, it makes sense to see where it is all going. The reality is that our values feed into and create our Mission. Our Mission drives our Vision which uses our Strategy to accomplish it, leading to the 5 Marks of (Spiritual) Maturity, that we’ve spoke of before. And this is all done, not as single individuals, but together, as the church.
Interview with Joel Ahlstrom
A messages from the series “Stand Alone Messages.” When Joel Ahlstrom looks back on his life, he could have said that overcoming autism and dyslexia was the singular most important event in his life. Or he could talk about the two cross country runs he ran which culminated in meeting a president. Or he could share the tale of realizing his life-long dream of owning the perfect grocery store. But what he would actually tell you is the most important event of his life would be his total surrender to Jesus.
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