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CloseSteve Wick - July 19, 2020
Bringing Our Circumstances to the Feet of God

How we respond to our circumstances, the good and the bad, matters to God and says a lot about what we think of Him. Christians like to quote Romans 8:28, that says God works all things out for the good of those who are called to His purpose, but do we really believe it? And who gets the right to decide what "good" really means? Listen in as Pastor Steve Wick walks us through some lies we tend to believe and how we can move to a place where we truly believe and live out Romans 8:28.
Scripture References: Romans 8:28-29
From Series: Sitting at the Feet of God, Historical Sermons | More Messages from Steve Wick | Download Audio
More Messages Associated With "God's Will"...

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Bringing Our Circumstances to the Feet of God
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