Micah Labovitch - May 28, 2023
The Miraculous Ministry of King Jesus
Scripture References: Matthew 8:1-34, Matthew 9:1-36, Leviticus 13::45-46, Leviticus 13:45-46, Leviticus 14:1-54, Isaiah 53:4-5, Numbers 19:1-22
From Series: "The Gospel of Matthew: Will You Follow King Jesus?"
As we finished our sermon series in Ezra and Nehemiah, you may have gotten a sense that the story was still… incomplete. The Lord restored His remnant people and rebuilt His kingdom, but the old patterns of sin and rebellion returned all over again. And for 400 years, God’s people cried out, waiting for the King of the Kingdom to come. Well, in the Gospel of Matthew, the answer finally comes. We encounter at last the good news of the arrival of the long-anticipated king. And his name is Jesus. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah long for the Savior King; the Psalms resonate with the Savior King; and, as we saw at Advent, the whole bible ultimately points to this Savior King: Jesus Christ. But who is King Jesus? What did He say? And how can we know Him even now? Join us this Spring, Summer, and Fall as we meet King Jesus face-to-face in the Gospel of Matthew, seeking to truly experience personally the Good News of King Jesus together.