Micah Labovitch - November 20, 2022
A Leader of the Covenant Between God and Man
Scripture References: Ezra 10:1-44, Jeremiah 24:4, Malachi 2:10-16, Hebrews 10:1-4, Hebrews 10:11-14, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
From Series: "Ezra: The Lord Restores His People"
For seventy years in exile and captivity, the people of God were chastised and broken. Having ignored hundreds of years of warnings from His prophets, God finally allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed and a remnant to be taken to Babylon. His people were devastated, distraught, and disciplined. But then, the call for restoration came. We have all been there. The Lord has allowed us to face the consequences of our choices, and sometimes they have been severe. But then, by the grace of God, the call of restoration comes. This is where the book of Ezra begins. Join us as we study Ezra together this fall, looking at the restoration of God’s people, and how it all ultimately points to the final restoration His people will have in Jesus Christ.