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Join Our Prayer Team

We highly value prayer for one another in our church family. All our prayer requests always go to our Pastors and Elders. But we believe that the more people are praying on your behalf, the better!
Everyone who is on the prayer team will receive an email relating the details of each prayer request. We also post all prayer chain requests on our private Facebook Prayer Group (you must be an attender of our church to be on it and be accepted into the group by an administrator.)
Please remember these responsibilities of our Prayer Chain Team:
1) Pray as soon as you receive the request…don’t wait or you may forget. People share a prayer request expecting that people are going to God on their behalf. Be faithful to that.
2) Prayer requests are private and not to be shared. This is not a forum to simply learn what’s going on in people’s lives. It’s a serious commitment to pray for them. Do not share details from the prayer requests.
If you want to be on the prayer chain simply contact the church office at 218-327-9343 or by email and we’ll get you on the email distribution list. You can also request to join the private Facebook Prayer Group (search for GREFC Prayer Room).