As the communication person for our church, I thought I would give you “The Inside Scoop” on what’s happening this summer at Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church.
Elders, Staff and Committees
The elders have been spending extra time meeting together to evaluate our ministries and where God might take us in the next 2-3 years in Children’s, Youth, and Adult Ministries. Their goal is to be men of Issachar, to “understand the signs of the times and know the best course to take.”
In staffing, we’re still looking for the right person to help us out a couple of days a week in the office. We’re hoping God will bring a bright smiling face who can help do administrative tasks but also has a gift with numbers. Sarah Schrapp has been hired for two days of the week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and Lorraine Curtiss is still filling in on Wednesdays to help with billings and accounting.
The facility planning committee is in full swing looking to address some of our space and parking needs.
Children and Youth
Children’s Ministries implemented a new check-in/check-out policy for our kiddos. This ensures their safety while in our care. We also split our Children’s Church into a preschool group and a Kinders to 2nd grade group and both will be learning from a Sunday School curriculum. Not only does this allow the kids to learn at their appropriate level, but we are growing quickly and simply needed to divide the rather large group to make it more manageable for everyone.
The youth group is meeting throughout the summer in four different small groups: High school boys, high school girls, middle school boys and middle school girls. Each group meets at different times and follows a different format, decided upon by their leaders. The entire youth group will also have fun together once a month at a bigger event. Incoming 6th graders and graduated seniors are always invited to join in.
We’re changing up our summer children’s outreach. Last year church attenders opened up their homes to host Backyard Bible Clubs with their neighborhoods. While that was good, we thought we’d take it one step further and get entire families involved. It’s kind of a Backyard Bible Club meets Community Group kind of thing. A family will still host the event; but instead of just kids coming, entire families will be invited for a meal. After the meal the kids will go off and have their crafts, songs, and games. Meanwhile, the parents will have a chance to connect and get to know one another better. It’s a great way to reach out to the community and give them a taste of what it means to be in the family of God.
Make Connections
While you’re out and about this summer, don’t forget that you can stay informed by checking out our facebook page, visiting our website, listening to the sermons online, and don’t forget good old face-to-face conversations. Make a point to have coffee, go out to dinner or hit the park with others from church to stay connected. And while you’re at it, invite a friend along who may not know Jesus.
I hope you all have a great time celebrating the 4th of July with friends and family. Stay safe around those fireworks.
In His Name,
Michelle Schwake, Communications Assistant
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