On Tuesday, April 18, members and attenders came to hear more about our proposed building project. The two-hour-long meeting centered around a proposed motion to let the newly-formed Building Committee spend money in the Future Building Fund. The motion passed with a 96% approval of the members present.
Why Vote?
Because of the potentially large sum of money that could be spent, the Executive and Elder boards determined that we should put it to a congregational vote. This vote would require a quorum of 51% of our membership. Since our membership is currently 102 people, that meant we needed at least 52 members present to vote. That evening we had 56 members present.
Not unlike many other large-scale construction projects, the Building Committee needs to hire design firms to help solidify the construction cost of the final project. Pre-construction design projects could include: Stormwater, Structural, Septic, Sprinkling, Acoustics, HVAC, Plumbing and Electric.
The Building Committee is also considering using a building campaign consultant to help with vision, communication and fundraising since we have no one with that expertise in our congregation.
Proposed Motion & Results
After much discussion, this motion was put forth and seconded:
“To allow the Building Committee, under the direction of both the Executive and Elder boards, to use the funds available in the Future Building Fund for completing necessary pre-construction projects that are needed to determine more accurate construction costs and to hire consultants if it is deemed necessary for fundraising purposes.”
A motion needs 75% approval of the quorum to pass. Ballots were handed out and the final tally showed 54 in favor of the motion with 2 opposed, which is 96% in favor of the motion.
Next Steps
The Construction Subcommittee will start to solicit proposals for the various design projects that are needed and will make recommendations to the Executive and Elder Boards about which firms to hire.
The Building Committee, Executive and Elder Boards met with a campaign consultant and will make a final determination on whether to hire a campaign consultant by May 2.
Stay Tuned
Communication is key in helping everyone be on the same page when it comes to a building campaign. The Communication Subcommittee will use all avenues to communicate with the congregation: Newsletters, emails, social media, direct mail, Sunday announcements, bulletins, posters, church mailbox inserts and even texting. But it is up to you to read the information and stay informed.
If you have any questions, please contact anyone of the leaders of the Building Committee:
Nick Schrapp – Building Committee Co-Chair | 218.244.5846
Doug Hanson – Building Committee Co-Chair/Construction Lead | 218.259.4295
Michelle Schwake – Vision & Communication Sub-Committee Lead | 952.240.0903
Marilyn Isaac – Finance Sub-Committee Lead | 218.327.2103
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