Grand Rapids Evangelical Free Church is proud to encourage and support missionaries both within our church and in the universal church. We’re excited to participate in the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ both near and far.
Short-Term Mission Trips
Since 2014, GREFC has partnered with the organization Building without Borders, to send groups of 10-15 people on a short-term mission trip to the San Cristobal area of the Dominican Republic to build homes for residents in need.
Why Here? Why Us?
San Cristobal, and the Dominican Republic in general, have some of the lowest standards of living on the planet. While we may not be able to help the entire planet, we can help this little slice of it.
Residents in this area often live in one-room homes that have holes in the walls and the roof. Many people may live in one of these homes and share one mattress.
Our call in life is to be a blessing to others and to share the good news about Jesus. On these trips, we strive to do both every moment of every day.
What We Do
Our church helps the people in this area in a few ways. We raise money to fund the building of the homes, we send a team of people to help build the homes, and we present Jesus to the some of the area children in the schools. We also have the privilege of getting to know all these wonderful people. By the end of the trip, we call one another friends. Learn more about how much it costs to build one of these homes.
I don’t think you will find a person who ever regretted going on a mission trip. Listen to what some have had to say about it:
“The unity between the group was awesome and so much fun and the unity between the DR workers and home owner was also special.” Tom Geisler
“I saw God provide funds for my participation. Many people stepped forward to fill in the gap that my absence would bring. The best part of the trip was the fellowship in spending time with the other members of the group, and sharing our lives together. There is much more to be said, but in all things I give God the glory for the blessing of being included in this adventure, (yes I would do it again, and again.) “ Joel Boyd
“Over and over I found myself pondering the question of why, in God’s providence, am I so blessed as to have been born into a “middle class” family in the USA and afforded all the opportunity and privilege that goes with that? I also thought about the responsibility that goes along with being the recipient of such good fortune. I’ve come to believe that in God’s economy, we are blessed so that we might be a blessing to others and so we need to be tuned in and seeking the opportunities God provides for us to share.” Doug Hanson
To learn more about costs associated with the trip and accommodations, read this Dominican Republic Short-Term Missions Information Sheet.
We fund-raise each year to help pay for the cost of building materials for three homes and to help offset the travel costs for the team. Click on the link below to contribute. Those wanting to donate toward our Dominican Republic trip for a specific team member can use this GREFC-Missions-Support-Form. We are also collecting clothes, hygiene items, and school supplies to bring down and share with the families. All donations should be dropped off at GREFC prior to the trip. Click here to see a list of suggested items to donate.
Click Here to Donate To The Trip!
Contact: Doug Hanson | | 218-327-9343
Missionary Support
The purpose of our local Missions Team is to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, and gathering the disciples into the local congregations, while relating to the needs of the total person (spiritual, physical, emotional and social).
The focus of the Missions Team is short and long term planning for goals and continued financial support of our missionaries. We support International, National, and Local Missions as well as contribute a portion of our budget to the missions work of the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church in America).
Short and long term goals for the Missions Team include maintaining awareness of ongoing and new Missions efforts both locally and globally and to come along side existing community mission programs to assist and encourage participation.

Missions Team Leader: Frank Gangi | 218-327-9343